双二次フィルタの係数(Lisp Advent Calendar 2022)

この記事はLisp Advent Calendar 2022の25日目です。Lispで音プログラミングに向けた、さらなる一歩。



先日フィルタをかける関数を作りました(IIRフィルタをかける関数(Lisp Advent Calendar 2022) - 丸井綜研)。となると、今度はフィルタが欲しくなります。Hann窓のような窓関数を作って時間信号に畳み込んでもいいですが、せっかくIIRフィルタが使えるようになったので、IIRフィルタの係数を計算していきます。

IIRフィルタと言っても、今回はシンプルに双二次フィルタ(Digital biquad filter - Wikipedia)にします。しかし自分で設計するのは大変なので、Robert Bristow-Johnson氏による「Cookbook Formulae for Audio Equalizer Biquad Filter Coefficients」という便利なフィルター設計事例集をそのまま使ってしまいましょう。(ただしフィルタを適用する周波数がナイキスト周波数に近いときには、理想的なアナログフィルタの挙動とは異なってしまいます。例えば、Orfanidis “Digital Parametric Equalizer Design with Prescribed Nyquist-Frequency Gain” (J. Audio Engineering Soc., 1997)などがこれを解決する方法を提示してくれています。)

RBJ Cookbookによる低域フィルタ


            b0 + b1*z^-1 + b2*z^-2
    H(z) = ------------------------
            a0 + a1*z^-1 + a2*z^-2


            b0 =  (1 - cos(w0))/2
            b1 =   1 - cos(w0)
            b2 =  (1 - cos(w0))/2
            a0 =   1 + alpha
            a1 =  -2*cos(w0)
            a2 =   1 - alpha


    w0 = 2*pi*f0/Fs

    alpha = sin(w0)/(2*Q)                                       (case: Q)
          = sin(w0)*sinh( ln(2)/2 * BW * w0/sin(w0) )           (case: BW)
          = sin(w0)/2 * sqrt( (A + 1/A)*(1/S - 1) + 2 )         (case: S)


それをCommon Lispの関数にするのは楽々。

(defun biquad-lpf (fc q fs)
  (let* ((omega (/ (* 2 pi fc) fs))
         (alpha (/ (sin omega) (* 2 q)))
         (b0 (/ (- 1 (cos omega)) 2))
         (b1 (- 1 (cos omega)))
         (b2 (/ (- 1 (cos omega)) 2))
         (a0 (+ 1 alpha))
         (a1 (* -2 (cos omega)))
         (a2 (- 1 alpha)))
    (list `#(,b0 ,b1 ,b2) `#(,a0 ,a1 ,a2))))

カットオフ周波数を1000 Hz、Q値を1/√2、標本化周波数を44100 Hzとして計算してみましょう。

CL-USER> (setq fltr (biquad-lpf 1000 (sqrt 1/2) 44100))
;;=> (#(0.005066263610029209d0 0.010132527220058418d0 0.005066263610029209d0)
;;    #(1.1004051468361575d0 -1.9797349455598832d0 0.8995948531638425d0))


双二次フィルタの係数の計算ができました。(first fltr)(second fltr)でそれぞれ分子と分母の係数を取ってくることができます。テスト信号として、44100サンプルのゼロのうち、8番目だけを1にした信号を作り、低域フィルタをかけてみます。つまり、フィルタのインパルス応答を見ようというわけです。

(setq fltrd-sig
      (let* ((sig (make-array 44100))
             (fc 1000)
             (q (sqrt 1/2))
             (fs 44100))
        (setf (aref sig 8) 1)
        (setq fcoef (biquad-lpf fc q fs))
        (filt (first fcoef) (second fcoef) sig)))

masatoiさんによるGnuPlotライブラリがmacOSでもそのまま使えたので、グラフも作れるようになりました(Common LispからGnuplotでグラフ表示するライブラリを作った: clgplot - masatoi’s blog)。clgplotはRoswellを使ってros install masatoi/clgplotとしてインストールしてあります。

(ql:quickload :clgplot)

 (list sig
       (filt (first fcoef) (second fcoef) sig))
 :style '(impulse line)
 :title-list '("original impulse" "filtered signal")
 :x-label "Time (samples)"
 :y-label "Amplitude"
 :x-range '(0 127)
 :output-format :png
 :output "clgp-output.png")



(multiple-value-bind (x fs) (wavread "finn.wav")
  (setq fcoef (biquad-lpf 1000 (sqrt 1/2) fs))
  (wavwrite "biquad-output.wav"
            (filt (first fcoef) (second fcoef) x)



とはいえ、(filt (first fcoef) (second fcoef) x)と呼び出すのは面倒なので、filt関数の引数を(filt <filt-coef> <signal>)みたいにした方がいい気がしてきました。そうすれば(filt (biquad-lpf 1000 2 48000) sig)みたいに使えますし。(そろそろCLOSのお勉強しようかな……)



(defun biquad-lpf (fc q fs)
  "Biquad Low-Pass Filter. Returns a list of two filter coefficient
vectors B and A. The implementation follows ``Cookbook formulae for
audio equalizer biquad filter coefficients'' by Robert Bristow-Johnson.
(biquad-lpf 1000 (sqrt 1/2) 44100)
=> (#(0.005066263610029209d0 0.010132527220058418d0 0.005066263610029209d0)
    #(1.1004051468361575d0 -1.9797349455598832d0 0.8995948531638425d0))"
  (assert (> fc 0) nil "Cutoff frequency must be positive.")
  (assert (> fs 0) nil "Sampling frequency must be positive.")
  (assert (> (/ fs 2) fc) nil "Cutoff frequency must be less than the Nyquist frequency.")
  (assert (> q 0) nil "Q-value must be positive.")
  (let* ((omega (/ (* 2 pi fc) fs))
         (cosw (cos omega))
         (sinw (sin omega))
         (alpha (/ sinw (* 2 q)))
         (b0 (/ (- 1 cosw) 2))
         (b1 (- 1 cosw))
         (b2 (/ (- 1 cosw) 2))
         (a0 (+ 1 alpha))
         (a1 (* -2 cosw))
         (a2 (- 1 alpha)))
    (list `#(,b0 ,b1 ,b2) `#(,a0 ,a1 ,a2))))

(defun biquad-hpf (fc q fs)
  "Biquad High-Pass Filter. Returns a list of two filter coefficient
vectors B and A. The implementation follows ``Cookbook formulae for
audio equalizer biquad filter coefficients'' by Robert Bristow-Johnson.
(biquad-hpf 1000 (sqrt 1/2) 44100)
=> (#(0.9949337363899708d0 -1.9898674727799417d0 0.9949337363899708d0)
    #(1.1004051468361575d0 -1.9797349455598832d0 0.8995948531638425d0))"
  (assert (> fc 0) nil "Cutoff frequency must be positive.")
  (assert (> fs 0) nil "Sampling frequency must be positive.")
  (assert (> (/ fs 2) fc) nil "Cutoff frequency must be less than the Nyquist frequency.")
  (assert (> q 0) nil "Q-value must be positive.")
  (let* ((omega (/ (* 2 pi fc) fs))
         (cosw (cos omega))
         (sinw (sin omega))
         (alpha (/ sinw (* 2 q)))
         (b0 (/ (+ 1 cosw) 2))
         (b1 (- -1 cosw))
         (b2 (/ (+ 1 cosw) 2))
         (a0 (+ 1 alpha))
         (a1 (* -2 cosw))
         (a2 (- 1 alpha)))
    (list `#(,b0 ,b1 ,b2) `#(,a0 ,a1 ,a2))))

(defun biquad-bpf (fc q fs)
  "Biquad Band-Pass Filter (constant 0 dB peak gain). Returns a list
of two filter coefficient vectors B and A. The implementation follows
``Cookbook formulae for audio equalizer biquad filter coefficients''
by Robert Bristow-Johnson.
(biquad-bpf 1000 (sqrt 1/2) 44100)
=> (#(0.10040514683615755d0 0 -0.10040514683615755d0)
    #(1.1004051468361575d0 -1.9797349455598832d0 0.8995948531638425d0))"
  (assert (> fc 0) nil "Cutoff frequency must be positive.")
  (assert (> fs 0) nil "Sampling frequency must be positive.")
  (assert (> (/ fs 2) fc) nil "Cutoff frequency must be less than the Nyquist frequency.")
  (assert (> q 0) nil "Q-value must be positive.")
  (let* ((omega (/ (* 2 pi fc) fs))
         (cosw (cos omega))
         (sinw (sin omega))
         (alpha (/ sinw (* 2 q)))
         (b0 alpha)
         (b1 0)
         (b2 (- alpha))
         (a0 (+ 1 alpha))
         (a1 (* -2 cosw))
         (a2 (- 1 alpha)))
    (list `#(,b0 ,b1 ,b2) `#(,a0 ,a1 ,a2))))

(defun biquad-notch (fc q fs)
  "Biquad Notch Filter. Returns a list of two filter coefficient
vectors B and A. The implementation follows ``Cookbook formulae for
audio equalizer biquad filter coefficients'' by Robert Bristow-Johnson.
(biquad-notch 1000 (sqrt 1/2) 44100)
=> (#(1 -1.9797349455598832d0 1)
    #(1.1004051468361575d0 -1.9797349455598832d0 0.8995948531638425d0))"
  (assert (> fc 0) nil "Cutoff frequency must be positive.")
  (assert (> fs 0) nil "Sampling frequency must be positive.")
  (assert (> (/ fs 2) fc) nil "Cutoff frequency must be less than the Nyquist frequency.")
  (assert (> q 0) nil "Q-value must be positive.")
  (let* ((omega (/ (* 2 pi fc) fs))
         (cosw (cos omega))
         (sinw (sin omega))
         (alpha (/ sinw (* 2 q)))
         (b0 1)
         (b1 (* -2 cosw))
         (b2 1)
         (a0 (+ 1 alpha))
         (a1 (* -2 cosw))
         (a2 (- 1 alpha)))
    (list `#(,b0 ,b1 ,b2) `#(,a0 ,a1 ,a2))))

(defun biquad-apf (fc q fs)
  "Biquad All-pass Filter. Returns a list of two filter coefficient
vectors B and A. The implementation follows ``Cookbook formulae for
audio equalizer biquad filter coefficients'' by Robert Bristow-Johnson.
(biquad-apf 1000 (sqrt 1/2) 44100)
=> (#(0.8995948531638425d0 -1.9797349455598832d0 1.1004051468361575d0)
    #(1.1004051468361575d0 -1.9797349455598832d0 0.8995948531638425d0))"
  (assert (> fc 0) nil "Cutoff frequency must be positive.")
  (assert (> fs 0) nil "Sampling frequency must be positive.")
  (assert (> (/ fs 2) fc) nil "Cutoff frequency must be less than the Nyquist frequency.")
  (assert (> q 0) nil "Q-value must be positive.")
  (let* ((omega (/ (* 2 pi fc) fs))
         (cosw (cos omega))
         (sinw (sin omega))
         (alpha (/ sinw (* 2 q)))
         (b0 (- 1 alpha))
         (b1 (* -2 cosw))
         (b2 (+ 1 alpha))
         (a0 (+ 1 alpha))
         (a1 (* -2 cosw))
         (a2 (- 1 alpha)))
    (list `#(,b0 ,b1 ,b2) `#(,a0 ,a1 ,a2))))

(defun biquad-peak (fc gain q fs)
  "Biquad Peaking EQ Filter. Returns a list of two filter coefficient
vectors B and A. The implementation follows ``Cookbook formulae for
audio equalizer biquad filter coefficients'' by Robert Bristow-Johnson.
(biquad-peak 1000 12 (sqrt 1/2) 44100)
=> (#(1.3997200784175376d0 -1.9797349455598832d0 0.6002799215824622d0)
    #(1.1004051491462712d0 -1.9797349455598832d0 0.8995948508537289d0))"
  (assert (> fc 0) nil "Cutoff frequency must be positive.")
  (assert (> fs 0) nil "Sampling frequency must be positive.")
  (assert (> (/ fs 2) fc) nil "Cutoff frequency must be less than the Nyquist frequency.")
  (assert (> q 0) nil "Q-value must be positive.")
  (let* ((omega (/ (* 2 pi fc) fs))
         (cosw (cos omega))
         (sinw (sin omega))
         (A (expt 10 (/ gain 40)))
         (q (/ q A))                    ; adjustment suggested by RBJ
         (alpha (/ sinw (* 2 q)))
         (b0 (+ 1 (* alpha A)))
         (b1 (* -2 cosw))
         (b2 (- 1 (* alpha A)))
         (a0 (+ 1 (/ alpha A)))
         (a1 (* -2 cosw))
         (a2 (- 1 (/ alpha A))))
    (list `#(,b0 ,b1 ,b2) `#(,a0 ,a1 ,a2))))

(defun biquad-lowshelf (fc gain q fs)
  "Biquad Low-shelf Filter. Returns a list of two filter coefficient
vectors B and A. The implementation follows ``Cookbook formulae for
audio equalizer biquad filter coefficients'' by Robert Bristow-Johnson.
(biquad-lowshelf 1000 12 (sqrt 1/2) 44100)
=> (#(4.576605860823849d0 -7.859937860688971d0 3.4446852566817814d0)
    #(4.264091974420542d0 -7.920349671951922d0 3.6967878039958317d0))"
  (assert (> fc 0) nil "Cutoff frequency must be positive.")
  (assert (> fs 0) nil "Sampling frequency must be positive.")
  (assert (> (/ fs 2) fc) nil "Cutoff frequency must be less than the Nyquist frequency.")
  (assert (> q 0) nil "Q-value must be positive.")
  (let* ((omega (/ (* 2 pi fc) fs))
         (cosw (cos omega))
         (sinw (sin omega))
         (A (expt 10 (/ gain 40)))
         (alpha (/ sinw (* 2 q)))
         (b0 (* A (+ (+ A 1) (* -1 (- A 1) cosw) (* 2 (sqrt A) alpha))))
         (b1 (* 2 A (- (- A 1) (* (+ A 1) cosw))))
         (b2 (* A (- (+ A 1) (* (- A 1) cosw) (* 2 (sqrt A) alpha))))
         (a0 (+ (+ A 1) (* (- A 1) cosw) (* 2 (sqrt A) alpha)))
         (a1 (* -2 (+ (- A 1) (* (+ A 1) cosw))))
         (a2 (+ (+ A 1) (* (- A 1) cosw) (* -2 (sqrt A) alpha))))
    (list `#(,b0 ,b1 ,b2) `#(,a0 ,a1 ,a2))))

(defun biquad-highshelf (fc gain q fs)
  "Biquad High-shelf Filter. Returns a list of two filter coefficient
vectors B and A. The implementation follows ``Cookbook formulae for
audio equalizer biquad filter coefficients'' by Robert Bristow-Johnson.
(biquad-lowshelf 1000 12 (sqrt 1/2) 44100)
=> (#(4.576605860823849d0 -7.859937860688971d0 3.4446852566817814d0)
    #(4.264091974420542d0 -7.920349671951922d0 3.6967878039958317d0))"
  (assert (> fc 0) nil "Cutoff frequency must be positive.")
  (assert (> fs 0) nil "Sampling frequency must be positive.")
  (assert (> (/ fs 2) fc) nil "Cutoff frequency must be less than the Nyquist frequency.")
  (assert (> q 0) nil "Q-value must be positive.")
  (let* ((omega (/ (* 2 pi fc) fs))
         (cosw (cos omega))
         (sinw (sin omega))
         (A (expt 10 (/ gain 40)))
         (alpha (/ sinw (* 2 q)))
         (b0 (* A (+ (+ A 1) (* (- A 1) cosw) (* 2 (sqrt A) alpha))))
         (b1 (* -2 A (+ (- A 1) (* (+ A 1) cosw))))
         (b2 (* A (+ (+ A 1) (* (- A 1) cosw) (* -2 (sqrt A) alpha))))
         (a0 (+ (+ A 1) (* -1 (- A 1) cosw) (* 2 (sqrt A) alpha)))
         (a1 (* 2 (- (- A 1) (* (+ A 1) cosw))))
         (a2 (- (+ A 1) (* (- A 1) cosw) (* 2 (sqrt A) alpha))))
    (list `#(,b0 ,b1 ,b2) `#(,a0 ,a1 ,a2))))